Perfect Usages of the Fishing Equipment


Very technical in appearance, this discipline in its own right requires a good knowledge of its equipment. Here are the basic elements to start the practice effectively. From the gold coast outdoors you can have all the supports now.

The fishing rod: the essential

No proper fisherman without the proper fishing rod. First parameter to take into account: the weight and the length of the cane. If you have to travel long distances with your fishing gear, use a light material for easy transport. Carbon fiber rods are in this sense very popular, but cost more to buy. Small budgets can opt for tubular rods, less heavy, but always more transportable than those in solid glass. The length of the cane is chosen, depending on the habitat used. A short cane will do the job for small fish on the shore. The longer rods will allow you to exploit more wild shorelines or even fishing on a boat.

Wire, reel: the complements of a good fishing rod

The choice of a fishing rod for fishing rod depends greatly on the latter. The reel is the vital complement of the rod for a comfortable practice. For this, it must be robust, but especially adapted to the hand of the fisherman to be easily maneuverable during the fight with the fish. The fishing line is also very important. A fine wire (around 0.28 mm) is more suitable for fishing in calm waters without obstacles. To fish for heavy fish, or in rough waters, use a thicker wire, up to 0.35 mm.

Where to buy fishing equipment?

Many shops specializing in fishing exist throughout France. They have a very wide catalog of articles, and will offer you precious advice for choosing your fishing equipment. If you do not have such a facility near you, general sports stores are good alternatives. With a smaller choice, but competitive prices and reliable product advice, they will help you to practice fishing in comfort.

Near your home, you probably have a lake with some trout. Sometimes it is difficult to know which equipment to start fishing for these occasionally distrustful fish.

The Walking Stick

The cane is an essential accessory to launch your bait away. The further you cast, the longer and more powerful the cane. For a versatile cane, choose a length of 3 meters to 4 meters . The power of the rod expresses the weight of the assembly that you can throw. The most versatile power is between 3 and 20 grams.

The rods are either telescopic or armholes. This affects your fishing comfort, not your efficiency. It’s up to you to choose the compromise between space and comfort that will suit you best.

The Reel

Just as indispensable, it will serve as a reserve of thread. The size of your reel expressed by the marks: 30 or 3000 (for example), represents the length of wire that your reel can hold.

For trout fishing, there is no point in having a reel too big, or too small. A versatile size ranging from 20 or 2000 to 30 or 3000 will be perfect.

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