3 Most Important Travel Tips for Any Type of Travel


Don’t Let Travel Frustrations Ruin Your Vacation or Travel Adventure: Follow 3 Basic Tips and travel with us.

I consider myself somewhat well-traveled in various types of travel. I have driven cross-country USA several times with others, and by myself, I have traveled to the jungles of Chiapas, Mexico, was married in Croatia and have visited several times since, attended several business conferences that required travel throughout the US, and traveled with my family throughout Montana and the Western US. More times than I can count when I was growing up. Needless to say, I have MANY amazing travel stories, as well as many that I wish, were not so memorable and frustrating. 

I had to learn the hard way what are the most important things to consider when traveling ANYWHERE, to make sure to get the best travel experience possible.

Sometimes, the most basic advice can be the best advice to avoid frustrating and avoidable situations that can hamper your travel experience. Although all travel tips that are detailed must consider the traveler and destination and the purpose of the travel, there are a few basics that can apply to all types of travel that you can use to customize to your travel needs the best and help you avoid potential problems during your travel.

3 Basic Important Travel Tips

If you follow these 3 basic tips as the starting point for your travel planning and preparation, you should be able to avoid some of the most common travel mistakes that frustrate most people’s experiences: (1) Create an APPROPRIATE packing list; (2) Pack a “Survival Kit” to take any absolute necessities, in case of emergency; and (3) DO YOUR RESEARCH on your destination and anything related!


Being able to create just the right packing list will assist you not only in preparing for your travel but also in enjoying it without the frustration of having to lug around a bunch of items that you will never wind up using. However, not all travel packing lists are going to be appropriate for all travel. Thus, you will need to customize your list to fit your travel needs. There are 2 main things you need to know to begin creating the appropriate packing list: (1) your travel destination and itinerary, and (2) your travel purpose. This will require you to already have much of your trip already planned, but will still help to make sure you enjoy your travel.

It’s a pretty simple theory – if you know where you are going and why you are going, you can narrow down what needs to be packed and “dragged” along with you and what really does not. For example, you are not going to need a swimsuit for business travel, unless your business requires it, or you have included swimming at the conference hotel as part of your itinerary. 

Likewise, you are not going to want to pack a bunch of business clothes for a trip to the beach or mountains, unless your itinerary includes some sort of business type event. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to think I need everything for every travel, so I like to make a huge packing list about a week in advance, and then go through it day by day and cross off the items I really will not need, just “want”. This ultimately narrows my list to make actually preparing for my travel much easier.


I think it goes without saying that “survival” of whatever travel is the most important part to successful and happy travel experiences! Yet, travel “survival” can mean many things, depending on the traveler, destination, type of travel, etc. During my own personal various travel experiences, I found that “survival kit” for travel means keeping certain ABSOLUTELY necessary items on you at all times.

You will have to adjust what is ABSOLUTELY necessary for you based on your travel destination, itinerary, and type of travel. However, regardless of those factors, I have found a few items absolutely critical for all travelers as their constant “survival kit” to customize to their own needs. 

Among the items I have found to be critical to have on your person at all times during travel are:

  • Change of clothes and small toiletries (including change of underwear), 
  • Some form of money or reliable money source, so that you always have the last resort to get you out of any possible troubles you encounter, or to buy that “absolutely perfect” travel souvenir or gift you would never otherwise find, 
  • Some form of identification (i.e. passport, etc) so that your identity will never be an issue or problem for traveling, and so you can provide proof of who you are and your travel purpose(s), and 
  • Some form of a first aid kit containing the basics (or more if your travels demand this). 

Depending on your type of travel, you can keep these items (and more, if possible) in a handy bag to keep with you or on you at all times during your travel. I have provided a few examples below, but you can find numerous different “bags” for travel “survival kits” online very easily. I personally like to use a fanny bag, if possible, or an over shoulder pack. I have found these the easiest way to carry the basic necessities at all times, comfortably.


I know that almost all travelers agree that one of the most important pieces of advice is to research your travel destination as much as possible BEFOREHAND. This only makes sense if you want to experience as much as possible during your travel. It is difficult to “experience” something if you do not know anything about it. 

Granted, many people can “learn” and experience along the way, but having even a basic knowledge of your travel destination and itinerary can enhance your travel and “learning” in so many ways. For example, knowing the types of food usually served and eaten, or knowing about any current local controversies will help you in deciding on exciting or famous places to eat, or perhaps dangerous areas to avoid. 

You’ll also want to know about the local people and history, as well as local current events if you intend to interact with anyone and take in an attraction or two. Sometimes, locals who feel that you cared enough to learn about them will help serve as a semi-guide to some of the best spots to make your travel the most memorable!

Another fun tip if you are traveling by airplane and you have a long enough layover in a city is to catch a cab outside the airport, and request a short drive/tour of the highlights of that city that are nearby. I did this when I went to Chiapas, Mexico when I had a long layover in Mexico City. 

However, this tip is only fun if you know what you want to see in that particular city because you need to know how much time you have so you don’t miss your connecting flight! Be sure you have enough time with new airport security rules, etc. if you decide to use this tip. 

I admit I came very close to missing my own connection flights while using this tip a couple of times, but extremely worthwhile if planned right!

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