What Are the Top Industries in Cincinnati?


If you are planning a move to Cincinnati, you may be wondering what some of the top industries in the area are. This is important information, especially if you are scoping out the job market before you move to see if your skillset or experience aligns with any of the top sectors in the city.

As you search for jobs and research the top fields in the area, consider where your skills can fit, or if they can even be applied across industries. With that in mind, consider these top industries in Cincinnati:


While many cities that were former manufacturing giants have pivoted to other industries, Cincinnati still has a strong manufacturing industry and has instead pivoted to advanced manufacturing of in-demand products.

Cincinnati is in a strategic location, and actually has a growing manufacturing industry. Some of the areas of manufacturing in the city include aerospace, automotive, and food products. If you have any skills or experience that align with transportation of manufacturing, Cincinnati would be a great pick for you and would have a significant number of job possibilities to choose from, as the industry continues to grow.


Another large and growing industry in the city of Cncinnati is the technology industry. Many technology businesses in such varying fields as software, data security, internet service, and more have set themselves up in Cincinnati.

Cybersecurity and data analytics are two growing specialities within the technology field that have job opportunities in Cincinnati. Since Cincinnati is such a big manufacturing hub, there are also opportunities within the smart supply chain management technology industry. If you have any technology experience, it would be widely applicable across a variety of fields in Cincinnati.

In addition, Cincinnati has a relatively affordable cost of living, so earning a good salary in an industry like the technology sector will go further in this city. Even housing is more affordable than other larger cities, as you can see from the Cincinnati houses for sale.


Another unique and large industry in Cincinnati is the biohealth industry, which supports many medical institutions, research universities, and biohealth companies. Some employment areas within the biohealth industry include biomedical research and health technology.

The medical device industry is also a large subset of the biohealth industry, and fits perfectly in Cincinnati, since it is also supported by the strong manufacturing and technology industries in the area. 

Biohealth is also a diverse field and can cover jobs which include research, technology, logistics and manufacturing, and more. If you have a background in any of these various industries or specialties, you can check out the biohealth industry in Cincinnati. 

In general, Cincinnati has a strong and diverse economy. If you are looking for jobs in Cincinnati before you move, there are a variety of industries and sectors to choose from. You may decide to stick with your specialty, or maybe even try something new. A little research will lend to your job hunt in Cincinnati.

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